New Analysis Finds Overturning Prop 22 Could Cost Millions of Jobs
In 2020, California voters overwhelmingly approved Prop 22, a ballot initiative that protects drivers’
status as independent contractors while providing guaranteed earnings and access to new benefits.
In 2020, California voters overwhelmingly approved Prop 22, a ballot initiative that protects drivers’ status as independent contractors while providing guaranteed earnings and access to new benefits.
Shortly after its historic passage, special interests filed a lawsuit, and the California Supreme Court
decided it would review their case.
Shortly after its historic passage, special interests filed a lawsuit, and the California Supreme Court decided it would review their case.
A report prepared by the Berkeley Research Group (BRG) found that if Prop 22 is overturned and drivers
are forced to be classified as employees instead of independent contractors...
A report prepared by the Berkeley Research Group (BRG) found that if Prop 22 is overturned and drivers are forced to be classified as employees instead of independent contractors...
App-Based Jobs
App-Based Jobs
Could be eliminated,
a reduction of at least 93%
Could be eliminated,
a reduction of at least 93%
Worked with app-based platforms
Worked with app-based platforms2.7 hours
Average time Californians worked with app-based platforms per week
2.7 hours
Average time Californians worked with app-based platforms per weekIt could be devastating for me and my family if Prop. 22 is overturned.
I depend on the
flexibility and independence of app-based work and the earnings and benefits that Prop 22 provides are
essential. I know that many of my fellow drivers feel the same way. The court should uphold Prop 22.”
Jameela Toups-West
Clearlake, CA
It could be devastating for me and my family if Prop. 22 is overturned.
Nearly 10 million Californians voted in support of Prop 22.
This effort to rob millions of
Californians of earning opportunities and circumvent the will of the voters will have long lasting
ramifications for not just app-based drivers and customers but for our democratic system.”
David Cruz
President, LULAC Council #3288
Nearly 10 million Californians voted in support of Prop 22.