Last summer, an Alameda County judge issued a seriously flawed court ruling on Proposition 22. The case is currently being appealed by the California Attorney General’s Office and our coalition to uphold the will of the voters who overwhelmingly passed Prop 22.
Here’s what legal experts, social justice advocates and others have to say about this seriously flawed ruling and the importance of upholding Prop 22 to protect the will of voters.
Legal Experts and Community Leaders WEIGH IN:
A Trial Court Misinterpreted (Legal) Test in Holding That Prop. 22 Violated the Single-Subject Rule
Steven G. ChurchwellFormer general counsel for the California Fair Political Practices Commission
Voters and impacted drivers have made their decision clear at the ballot box, and the results should not be overturned by interest groups who want to invalidate an election.
Peter Leroe-MuñozGeneral counsel and senior vice president of technology and innovation at Silicon Valley Leadership Group
California’s Court of Appeal should overturn the lower court’s incorrect decision and protect Golden State workers and voters.
Peter Leroe-MuñozGeneral counsel and senior vice president of technology and innovation at Silicon Valley Leadership Group
A court ruling against Prop 22 is an attack on democracy in California
Anthony CasoClinical professor of law at Chapman University’s Fowler School of Law
…The appellate courts need to step in to make sure that this erroneous trial court decision does not take away the rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
Anthony CasoClinical professor of law at Chapman University’s Fowler School of Law
…This case is no longer just a battle between the so-called ‘gig economy’ and labor unions. It is now a battle about the future of the initiative in California.
Anthony CasoClinical professor of law at Chapman University’s Fowler School of Law
Power does not reside in the government. It is the people who are the sovereigns. The Legislature serves us, not the other way around.
Anthony CasoClinical professor of law at Chapman University’s Fowler School of Law
…Rather than giving deference to the 59% of voters approving the proposition in a high turnout election, the court went out of its way to undermine features of the initiative that enable voters to hold their elected officials accountable…
Loren KayePresident of the California Foundation for Commerce and Education
…How can one judge overrule 10 million California voters and directly threaten so many who rely on the flexibility to earn additional income when they need it? That is just wrong.
Rev. K.W. TullossPresident of Baptist Ministers Conference Southern California
…I am disappointed at the court’s decision to rule against Prop 22. I pray that his decision is overturned
Rev. K.W. TullossPresident of Baptist Ministers Conference Southern California
The ruling from the lower court judge was not only wrong and legally flawed, but it disenfranchises voters by silencing the voices of millions of California voters. Special interests behind this lawsuit are assaulting our fair and democratic election.
Reverend Darryl ScarbroughPresident of National Action Network — Sacramento Chapter
A single judge’s decision has ignored more than a century of precedent requiring the courts to safeguard the voters’ right of initiative. We can’t let the few decide an issue which has already been decided by so many Californians after a healthy debate and fair election.
Julian CanetePresident & CEO of the California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce