Driver Stories
Hundreds of thousands of app-based drivers in California are providing essential services as independent contractors under Proposition 22. Hear from real drivers on why they want to protect Prop 22 and keep their independence.
I was facing the biggest challenge of my life: getting separated from five-year marriage with five kids under the age of 10. I couldn’t commit to a normal full-time job due to personal conflicts. Thankfully, app-based work saved my situation as I was in desperate need of fast cash to pay for diapers, formulas, food and gas. I was ashamed of letting my family pay for everything when I didn’t feel disabled. I registered with almost all the driving apps available…within a few hours, I was able to cover my emergency needs, the delivery timing was unlimited, and tips made a huge difference. Like me, there are lots of people in need, and government assistance isn’t always enough or the best option to rely on. Don’t take away this opportunity to make money decently and fast…
I like to work as an independent contractor because I am my own boss and I like that flexibility. Californians voted for Prop 22 and I think courts have to respect their decision.
Prop 22 is important to me because I need the flexibility to drive…I go to school full-time during the week and it’s challenging to find a job that can 100% guarantee my schedule. I depend on the flexibility so that I can continue going to school and make a schedule that fits my needs. Prop 22 has helped with that.
I love what I do and without Lyft, I wouldn’t be able to afford my apartment, to chip at my student loans.
I had a full-time job until I became a mom. I have to stick with part-time hours so I could spend time with my baby and not miss out on watching her grow. Also my husband is disabled, so I turned to app-based delivery services to supplement our income. I need the flexibility of driving so I can earn money without having to worry about childcare, especially with our busy schedules.
Being able to make my own schedule gives me the freedom to take my grandmother to her doctors appointments and to her dialysis three times a week.”
I have been an app based driver for over 4 years. It has helped me get through the Covid virus by allowing me to meet my child support obligations and all my financial needs. It gives me the freedom to start and stop whenever necessary… If I wanted a regular job I would have applied for one but unfortunately being a single father with two girls, I must have that flexibility. I cannot hold a 9 to 5 job as long as they are dependent on me…Please do not take that flexibility away from us drivers.
I started DoorDash during 2018 because I had a hard time getting employment. And since then I’ve always used it to help me make my extra cash that I need for my life. Especially right now with the quarantine going on my hours have been drastically cut back in the only thing that’s helping me pay all my bills is DoorDash. Without this app I would seriously be without a home and probably without my car and several other things. DoorDash is how to make it through so many times of having to pay vet bills for my dog, car payments or insurance AND making sure that I still have a home or even just some gas in my car…Without this app I don’t know what I would do.. It literally makes the difference of whether or not I’ll be homeless in these times of struggle.”
Hello my name is Kathy, I am sharing my story because it’s important for everyone to know how important it is that is drivers are able to have flexible hours. I am married and have a a son that’s still at home. My husband is unable to work because he has had 20 surgery’s in the last 5 year’s. I am his main care taker so I can only drive when I have someone that’s able to be at home. I also have my own health issue, that limits me from working a full time job. That’s why it’s so important to me to have flexibility in my driving schedule. I’m trying to provide for my family, if we are made to have a daily schedule, I will have to quit driving.”
I like being independent and being my own boss. Lyft, Uber, and DoorDash is a lifeline for people like me. I love my job and love the riders and customers who rely on our service.
I am a full-time nursing student, as a nursing student there’s not much time for myself, staying on top of my studying, going to my classes and doing my clinical rotations at the hospital take most of my time. With most of my time invested in my career there is not enough time for me to find a stable job that will accept my schedule. Books for my classes, online testing programs and everyday expenses including rent still need to be paid for. With the flexibility that some app-based rideshares and delivery provide, I am able to work whenever I have an open slot in my schedule. Flexibility is important to me because it is the perfect way to be able to work on my own time without compromising my studies and/or my future.”